The History and Future Of Modern Marketing.
We all have basic Hints about our History. we had basic tools and technology in 90,s in Marketing Sector.
in Past years peoples are not so attracted by the marketing field not gives so much importance in Past years doing of branding were so costly . people are not able to do their start ups or business basic rich firms or company was in the market and they do their marketing . they use a basic pattern which called :-
Traditional marketing is the type of marketing which businesses use on past time . In this marketing businesses or brands do their advertisement on some platforms like use of Radio, Televisions, Banners, Newspaper on the Station or Road side etc. By traditional marketing use business do their advertisements and pays much amount for their product marketing . It is costly method and also we were not able to do analysis about our customer. how much people was interacted by our advertisement we don't have any data. By using traditional marketing we are not able to target our customers. who have need of our product so it is good for marketing but their are also many drawback of traditional marketing. In traditional marketing maximum time we connect with our internal country people we are not able to approach out of the country people easily
In present time marketing strategies is grown by high level. people are doing their product advertisement by their home, offices in so easy way . because of using Digital Marketing . people are doing digitalization in today's world they are making their work easy by using technique and technology. In today's environment using digital marketing help the businesses, shop and start ups to do their product advertisement. by us of digital marketing people are also doing freelancing making posters banners so easily. we have very helpful tools in digital marketing for making our work easier and smart. we have so many online platforms to do our branding easily and attract news customers like INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, FIVEER, and many others. we are also able to know how many people are interacted by our advertisement. easy for doing analysis and also get information of our new customer . In digital marketing we learn about SEO, GOOGLE ADS, META ADS, INSTA ADS to target out those customer who have need and requirement of the same product.
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