A marketing mix include multiple area of focus as a part like marketing plan. in marketing mix we plan to set an action, tactics that a company use to promote their brand and product.
There are two types of mix markting :-
* 4P'S
PRODUCT:- To start a business first thing is to know about our product we have to get all information about our product or service the decision of product catogory is most valueable thing for a business. in first procss we get clear about our product or srvice which type of prouct is in trend or most sale or value product because of good catogory product it is easy to target our customre easily
PLACE:- The second process is place where you sell your product and the place is suitable for our customer its is easy to target those customer to take our product easily . the place is important for our product or service sale beacuse of place we decide our product pricing. it will be easy for customer to consume or use our product so decision making for place choice have to be a good or strong place.
PRICE:- Third step is setup of price for our product or services. the price of our product have to easy for customer to take we have to price our product by the location where the shop is located in a low area or a high rich standard area by this we do pricing is easy to sell our productn.
PROMOTION:- The last step is promotion . we have to promote our product to know the data our customer how much customer have intrest or need for buy our product. by using ads or promotion we get all informations after knowing our customers it is easy to targeting those customer to take our product.
* 7P'S
PEOPLE:- After promotion we have all the data of our customer or people who are joined with us or plan to join or check out our product by all those information we can very easily target our customer . also able to provide updates of our services or product
PROCESS:- When we are all set and start getting orders this time is for processing . we process our product to those customer by difrrent mediums we provide them our product and services. to consume and also they give us some reviews or ratings which make our company a brand
PHYSICAL EVIDENCE:- The last step is physical evidence where we provide the evidence to our customers for our product or services. we prodive evidence to make our customer trust towards us by the help of branding, packing, delivery etc.
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