
Showing posts from May, 2024


      MARKETING MIX A marketing mix include multiple area of focus as a part like marketing plan. in marketing mix we plan to set an action, tactics that a company use to promote their brand and product. There are two types of mix markting :- 4P'S 7P'S                                             * 4P'S PRODUCT:-  To start a business first thing is to know about our product we have to get all information about our product or service the decision of product catogory is most valueable thing for a business. in first procss we get clear about our product or srvice which type of prouct is in trend or most sale or value product because of good catogory product it is easy to target our customre easily  PLACE:-  The second process is place where you sell your product and the place is suitable for our customer its is easy to target those customer to take our ...

The History and Future Of Modern Marketing.

 Introduction We all have basic Hints about our History. we had basic tools and technology in 90,s in Marketing Sector. in Past years peoples are not so attracted by the marketing field  not gives so much importance in Past years doing of branding were so costly . people are not able to do their start ups or business basic rich firms or company was in the market and they do their marketing . they use a basic pattern which called :- TRADITIONAL MARKETING Traditional marketing is the type of marketing which businesses use on past time . In this marketing businesses or brands do their advertisement on some platforms like use of Radio, Televisions, Banners, Newspaper on the Station or Road side etc. By traditional marketing use business do their advertisements and pays much  amount for their product marketing . It is costly method and also we were not able to do analysis about our customer. how much people was interacted by our advertisement we don't have any data. By using t...